In the spring of 2022, The Monroe Institute (TMI) in West Virgina, USA, ran an experiential course called Creation Station. The purpose of the course was to provide creatives the opportunity to experience Monroe Sound Science; the most advance brain entrainment available, specifically designed to increase creativity. The group consisted of 10 talented creatives from around the world. As a music composer and music producer (and thanks to some serendipitous happenings), I was invited.
Over the course of a week, we listened to various audios containing brain entrainment tones. Each practice would begin with the group meeting for a brief introduction, followed by an audio meditation in our own private space a CHEC unit (Controlled Holistic Environmental Chamber) and returning afterwards as a group to discuss the effects.
In one introduction session, the facilitator, Robert described a dance track he had heard which once put him in an enlightened state. Robert suddenly looked at me and asked me if I could replicate this experience for him? No small task! I said I would do my best and parked the idea at the back of my mind.
After this, we went to our CHEC units to do a meditation. This particular audio was unusual as it contained no music, only the brain entrainment tones. I actually fell asleep during it, but when I awoke, the track for Robert appeared in my mind, in its entirety. I instantly knew that this track would contain a bluesy guitar, followed by a progressive trance section with some vocal sounds and a few lyrics, followed by didgeridoos! It was quite unusual, but the auditory ‘vision’ was incredibly clear!
I reported this back to the group. Robert asked me what I needed to create the track immediately. I asked if I could make it in the nearby forest. Robert, who is the most “can do” gentleman I’ve ever met, set me up with the longest cable extension I had ever seen, a table and a large umbrella because it was raining. Here I recorded the vocals and began producing the track. By incredible luck, the great American rock guitarist legend Andrew Reid was also on the course. He played me some stunning blues guitar. The piece was 3/4’s finished when the course ended.
When it was time to leave, Robert very kindly offered to give me a 4-hour lift to Alexandria because the train was fully booked. As I was waiting for Robert, I saw the minibus that takes participants to the train station, drive by. Intuitively, I had a strong compulsion to get on the bus, despite the fully booked train! A moment later, a couple I had never met, Shelia Schwartz and her husband Craig, also got on. They had just completed a course at Monroe called MC Squared.
MC Squared uses brain entrainment for the purpose of telekinesis, (bending spoons and illuminating light bulbs with just hands!). I asked them about the course and what they told me was absolutely mind-blowing. Putting skepticism aside, it was undeniable that their energy seemed to be radiating at a ridiculously high level. It was infectious, they were positively glowing! Shelia then showed me a photo she had taken of a large crystal rock that sits at the grounds of the institute. Suddenly, I knew I must get her number. I asked if she could send me the photo and the connection was made.
Several months later I still had not finished the track for Robert. I wanted to redo the vocals and mix and master it. Insecurities had led me to procrastination. To spur me on, I decided that I would send it to Bob Holbrook the TMI engineer to add Monroe Sound Science tones to it. Bob added the tones, but what he did not tell me, was that he then trialed the track in the Monroe Discovery program where they test audios with entrainment tones using EEG machines and other technology.
Though I was initially mortified that he had played something unfinished, Bob messaged me to say that response had been overwhelmingly positive. That people were jumping out their CHEC units to dance and that people had felt energised in new and unexpected ways! He told me one lady in particular had a very profound experience.
This was very encouraging and so I forgave him for playing it! When I received this news, I was with my partner Laura, trekking the Himalayas, in Nepal. Further up the mountain, with virtually no phone signal, I received a voice-note from Shelia (from the minibus) but I couldn’t hear it because the reception was so bad.
Then she sent a text saying “When you help me ( and you did) , I get to help around 2,000 people ….. Have you ever heard the saying that one person makes a difference ……you made a difference”
At first, I didn’t know she was referring to, but later when I heard her voice-note, I realised that she was the lady who Bob had spoken of. Shelia told me that she gets synesthesia at live events, but the track I made for Robert was the first recorded piece of music that gave her this experience. She told me that on hearing it, something popped within her and it changed her life forever!
This was the most incredibly wonderful thing to hear! A beautiful reminder, that even if you can touch just one person, it can have a ripple effect that could help many more. I sent Shelia a photo of my partner Laura and I on the mountain and thanked her for this amazing message. Shortly after Sheila offered to fund Laura and I to come back to Monroe and take the legendary Gateway Course. I was blown away. This offer was super generous and to invite my partner was something else. Shelia only knew of Laura through a couple of pictures I had sent. Sheila felt that the experience would be more powerful for the two of us, and it was.
After we completed the course, Shelia and Craig, offered to support us both in our personal developments going forward in whatever form that might take, irrespective of our financial situation. I can’t really explain what this gesture has done for me, but I will try… I have received incredible training in brain entrainment. As someone who has been studying music and consciousness for a lifetime, this has added new depths to my knowledge. I now have an on-going relationship with The Monroe Institute; creating music with their latest brain entrainment tech to encourage desired brain states. I have found a calling; to create tracks that encourage transcendent states. My partner Laura has also shared this experience and her path has also changed positively.
I have partnered with other amazing organisations that are working with brain entrainment technology using other senses such as light and space. Most importantly, Shelia and Craig gave me the gift of friendship with two of the most vibrant, loving, fun humans I know. They are mentors on how to live a most exquisite, generous, abundant life, filled with incredible energy. Shelia pretty much blows my mind on a daily basis!
I am sure that the only reason I heard my intuition to get on that minibus, was thanks to a week of meditating with mind expanding brain entrainment from Monroe. It was certainly the reason I heard the track for Robert, which has opened so many doors. A year later I finally played the track to Robert. He told me it gave him the feeling he was looking for; a sense of transcendence!
Creating more tracks like this has become my life’s work. You can hear Paracusia for Robert and other tracks using brain entrainment here: https://soundcloud.com/cazcoronel/sets/brain-entrainment